Deadline | April 25, 2025 |
Eligibility | Must be a member in good standing. Must be a student enrolling in technical, undergraduate or graduate school in the Fall Semester of 2025 |
Application Requirements |
Applicant must submit an academic resume doccumenting Current GPA, class rank, schools attended, extracurricular activities and any honors or awards received. Submit a current transcript. Submit an essay. |
Essay | Essay must be 2-3 pages, size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced. Please submit a response to one of the following prompts 1. How have your cultural experiences and background influenced your academic pursiots and goals? 2. What is the most significant challenge facing your generation, and what solutions would you propose to address it? 3. Describe a time when you faced adversity and how you overcame it. |
Submission Requirements |
All application requirements must be submitted via email to Make sure to include the subject like "2025 AKBA Scholarship Application" |
Scholarship Recipients |
Multiple recipients will be chosen by a member of the community that is not on the AKBA Board of Trustees, Executive Board, or any of its committees. |
Scholarship Recipients will be announced and contacted. |
Recipients must use these funds towards tuition and other costs incurred with enrolling in technical, undergraduate or graduate school. |
Verification will be requested in November 2025 as to how the funds were used. |